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Leka lite, sen skicka mina repliker till Talan och sen läsa färdigt texten om Avant-Garde film.
Postar replikerna här så att folk kan se vilka jag har valt.
(B) Black Jewel Trilogy by Anne Bishop
”He didn’t have the chance to yell. Before he started, I ended it.”
”I told him he was jealous.”
”What?! You told Papa-”
”That the only reason he was mad at me was because you’d invited me to go with you to try out this idea instead of inviting him.”
(A) Pride and Prejudice TV mini-series
Mr. Collins: “Lady Catherine de Bourgh herself was kind enough to suggest that these shelves be fitted exactly as you see them there.”
Elizabeth Bennet: “Shelves in the closet. Happy thought indeed.”
(C) Overheard on Facebook
Daniel: “I think swimming physics arent needed when you already have the aspect of flight, what more could be had.”
Jos: “use the wings as fins? Lol interesting”
Aaron: “lol my first death was by drowning”
Och Malin har fortfarande min bok, så jag kan inte kolla upp ett nytt lite snabbt. (Tvivlar ju på att hon kommer att läsa den... men det var ju värt ett försök.)
Men de andra två gillar jag skarpt, speciellt det från facebook. Det är absolut klockrent när man tar det ur sitt sammanhang!